Whether you’re a beginner at Pokemon or you’ve been playing for years, everyone can agree that water-type Pokemon are the best. They’re versatile, powerful, and take down some of the strongest opponents with ease.
Are you a fan of water-type Pokemon? If so, you’re in for a treat! In this guide, we’ll be counting down the top 20 best water-type Pokemon of all time. From classics like Blastoise to fan favorites like Vaporeon, there’s something for everyone on this list. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn about the best water-type Pokemon around!
These are Pokémon that you should certainly add to your squad if you want to win any battle, and they are the finest water type Pokémon of all time in our view.
1. Vaporeon

Vaporeon evolves from Eevee, and the latter is one of the most interesting Pokémon in history. Unlike most Pokémon, Eevee evolves in eight completely different evolutionary routes. Eevee can evolve into a Jolteon, a Flareon, an Espeon, an Umbreon, a Glaceon, a Leafeon, a Sylveon, or the Water-type Vaporeon.
Eevee, and as a consequence, Vaporeon is Pokémon from Generation I. Both are also one of the most popular Pokémon, having appeared in several Pokémon films. Vaporeon is also the most powerful evolution of Eevee.
Vaporeon is pale blue with dark blue highlights around its head. The shadows extend from its fins to the tip of its tail. Vaporeon also has a white fin around their neck, above their head, and between their ears. Vaporeon develops from Eevee after being exposed to a Water Stone in mainstream games.
Vaporeon, for a long time, is mostly viewed as the most powerful water-type Pokémon that is not legendary due to its very high damage output. Gyarados and Kyogre have since surpassed Vaporeon as one the go-to non-legend water Pokémon in games. However, at least in games, these Pokémon are hard to capture or evolve into.
2. Blastoise

Blastoise has secured its position in every hardcore or casual Pokémon fan’s heart as one of the original 151 Pokémon. It even appeared alongside Ash Ketchum in the first live-action Pokémon film.
Blastoise is a huge tortoise Pokémon with two enormous water cannons on its back. These cannons can fire water with such force and accuracy that they can through steel. This Pokémon is portrayed, in both games and anime, as one of the most formidable Pokémon, easily defeating even the toughest Pokémon. Behind its tanky and intimidating size, Blastoise is a gentle giant and one of the nicest Pokémon. It has even been known to assist humans in need, utilizing its water cannons to extinguish fires and save people.
Blastoise has always been a favorite of many veteran Pokémon players due to its versatility. His physical and special defenses are strong, and he’s also a competent physical and special attacker. Blastoise is a versatile Pokémon due to its large size and ability to run offensive and support setups. While it confronts severe opposition from stronger Water-types, it finds a home in more balanced teams, particularly those with a Grass-Fire-Water team setup.
3. Psyduck

Another OG Pokémon, Psyduck is a yellow Pokémon resembling a platypus. It is in constant pain due to its headache hence, in games and in anime, trainers suffer inconveniences when using this Pokémon in battles. However, Psyduck is one of the more powerful Pokémon in early Pokémon games due to its Psychic powers, although, it is a purely Water-type Pokémon.
Truthfully, Psyduck is pretty mediocre in stats, however, its charm and comic relief are great for players who just want to fool around. Psyduck is a jack-of-all-trades Water-type Pokémon with no significant weakness but cannot carve a particular role in team-building except in players’ hearts. Good thing, Psyduck is built like a tank and can withstand impaling attacks.
Psyduck’s evolution is the stronger and more stable version of Psyduck, however, it possesses not of the former’s charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.
4. Kyogre

It is somewhat cheating to include legendary Pokémon, but what can you do? Kyogre is a legendary Water-type Pokémon that is introduced in Pokémon games in Generation III. It is known as the “Sea Basin Pokémon,” and it is supposed to be responsible for the seas’ growth.
Despite its devastating abilities, Kyogre is a kind Pokémon who just wants to aid others. It has been known to assist people and Pokémon in need by causing rain and quenching thirst.
Kyogre is without a doubt one of the greatest Water-type Pokémon available, especially if you enjoy legendaries. Kyogre is an excellent counter to Fire, Rock, and Earth Pokémon. You should capitalize on its abilities by teaching it the Fast Attack Waterfall and the Charged Attack Hydro Pump.
5. Gyarados

Gyarados is also a very famous Generation I Pokémon. Gyarados consistently appears on rankings of the strongest Pokémon for each generation, and with good reason: it’s a terrific Pokémon.
Gyarados’ secondary Flying-type adds an additional vulnerability to Rock-type techniques. Still, because Rock is weak to Water, Gyarados has a good chance of beating the opponent before it succumbs to Rock-type strikes. Gyarados are effective against Fire, Fighting, Bug, and Ground, and are one of only a few Water-type that deal regular damage against Steel-type Pokémon. Furthermore, because Gyarados is a Flying-type, it is resistant to Ground-type attacks, making its Water attacks even more formidable.
Gyarados have always been both cool and deadly, and discovering them in any game is a delight. While Gyarados’ Water / Flying dual type is vulnerable to Electric-type techniques, this monster benefits from two important components: Dragon Dance, which increases Attack and Speed, and Moxie, which increases Attack even more when they beat another Pokémon. Combine them with high Attack numbers and enough natural bulk to survive in a pinch, and you’ve got yourself a sweeper. Want to terrify your opponents even more? If you’re playing prior generations, Mega Gyarados’ crazy-high Attack and enhanced mass, as well as turning this into a Water Dragon-type Pokémon, make it the superior dragonfish.
6. Tapu Fini

Tapu Fini is one of the more well-designed Pokémon out there. It is a very powerful Pokémon with moves like Hydro Pump, Muddy Water, and Nature’s Wrath. Nature’s Wrath, for example, is a percentile-based attack that dishes damage equal to the opponent’s lost HP.
Aside from being a Water-type Pokémon, Tapu Fini is also a fairy type. This makes it effective against Dragon-type Pokémon. Marill, Azumarill, and Primarina are the only dual Water / Fairy Pokémon spanning eight generations of Pokémon. Tapu Fini is indeed a rare breed.
Tapu Fini is useful because it has such a diverse move pool that it can cover a wide range of roles on a team. Tapu Fini possesses a diverse set of Water, Fairy, Ice, and Psychic techniques, allowing it to adapt and have its opponents second-guessing since Tapu Fini’s moves are difficult to anticipate.
7. Suicune

Suicune may look like a feline but it is actually a dog Pokémon that symbolizes wind and rain. It is a pure water type – but it also learns several flying-type techniques like Tailwind, Gust, and Air Slash. Legendary that it is, Suicune can walk on water and purifies any contaminated water it steps on.
Suicune serves as a bulky late-game sweeper rather than a defensive Pokémon in the current meta at least in Pokémon Sword. To distinguish it from other, more powerful Bulky Waters, it’s better used as a setup sweeper that can resist attacks than as an outright defensive wall.
Suicune is one of the best Pokémon in pre-Switch Pokémon games like Pokémon HeartGold on the DS and particularly Game Boy Color’s Pokémon Gold and Silver.
8. Inteleon

Inteleon is a Water-type Pokémon that looks a lot like a chameleon. Inteleon is endowed with several capabilities. Inteleon may glide in the air by using the membrane attached to its ribs just like a Draco. Well, Inteleon is clearly inspired by the species of gliding lizards.
Inteleon, as the name suggests, is an extremely intellectual Pokémon. It may devise plans before engaging in battle. Introduced in Generation VIII, Inteleon is a surprisingly strong Pokémon given that it evolves from a starter Pokémon. This Pokémon is not just effective, but more importantly, it is attainable.
Inteleon’s main strength is its strong basic stats in Speed and Special Attack. Its decent move coverage allows it to pose a threat to many Pokémon, particularly powerful Fire threats the likes of Charizard, Arcanine, and Volcanion.
9. Seadra

Resembling a seahorse, Seadra always ranks in a number of games as one of the better Water-type Pokémon. Short for Seadragon, Seadra is a direct evolution of Horsea and later evolves into Kingdra. While Seadra has Poison attacks and resembles a Dragon, it is neither a Poison-type Pokémon nor a Dragon. Seadra is a pure Water-type Pokémon.
Seadra, like a monotype Water Pokémon, is vulnerable to Grass and Electric-type techniques, taking twice the regular damage. It is not immune to any Pokémon, however it is resistant to Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice kinds, which do half as much damage. Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Psychic, Dragon, Dark, or Fairy types have no advantage or disadvantage.
10. Swampert

Swampert has gained popularity in some circles in Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire. While its Mega form is stupidly strong, the vanilla flavor is nothing to sneeze at.
However, most of Swampert’s character does not carry over into the games; it is relatively sluggish, and Muddy Water still possesses poor accuracy when compared to Surf. But Game Freak didn’t lie about its power, as it’s base 110 attack stat is nothing to scoff at. It even has some significant bulk behind it, with a base of 100 HP and 90 defenses. which makes it more than viable as a Relaxed- or Impish-natured support Pokémon with moves like Stealth Rock, Roar, and an attacking move or two rather than a powerhouse.
Swampert has long been regarded as one of the finest Pokémon in Pokémon Go though, thanks to a fantastic move pool that includes Hydro Cannon and a unique typing that makes it weak to only one type: Grass.
11. Slowbro

Slowbro charms the affections of seasoned players yet enrages those pitted against it. This Pokémon possesses a ton of defensive bulk in terms of HP, Defense, and Special Defense. To make this Pokémon even more of a tank, they have a moveset that includes Teleport, which has a low priority, which means they are most likely to get struck first, suffer the damage, and then swap out, activating their Regenerator ability, which restores 1/3 of their base HP. Consider having them keep leftovers if you want them to be immortal, and when you want to strike back or dig in your heels more, moves like Scald and Calm Mind allow Slowbro to take on many significant threats in Singles or Doubles.
Slowbro’s superb defensive nature and strong defensive numbers enable it to function as a physical barrier check against major offensive Pokémon in the tier, such as Metagross and Tyrantrum.
12. Greninja

Greninja exploded into the metagame as soon as they were released in Generation 6, quickly being known as the finest Water-Type starter and one of the greatest Pokémon of all time, and their fame has carried over into future Pokémon games. The Water Dark-typing is swiftly rendered obsolete by the Protean ability, which changes Greninja’s type to that of the move they are about to employ, allowing for Same-Type Attack Bonus on up to four separate attacks, in addition to great base Special Attack and deadly Speed.
In the anime, Greninja, with its combination of speed and strength, proved to be Ash’s strongest Pokémon. It is on an entirely another level than any other Pokémon Ash has trained so far while channeling its Ash-Greninja form.
13. Mantine

This Pokémon is peculiar. For starters, its secondary flying style confuses many people, but it’s actually fairly simple: Mantine, like real-life manta rays, can soar up to 300 feet above the ocean’s surface when it builds up enough speed. Furthermore, the Remoraid on its wing provides Mantine with the appearance of a fighter aircraft, which contributes to its Flying type. However, because it is Water / Flying rather than pure Water, it is extremely vulnerable to Electric-type attacks, as it has a triple vulnerability to them.
It doesn’t matter because Mantine is a hulking bulk. Its HP is lacking, but EV training fixes that, and its inherent special bulk lets you put some EVs in its defense instead. Mantine is obviously meant to be a support Pokémon, but it’s not very good at it because it doesn’t learn anything valuable to go with its role. Its greatest move is to poison its opponent with Toxic, burn it with Scald, and then delay with Protect, or set up a Substitute against a very aggressive rival to get a free Toxic off.
14. Dracovish

Dracovish already has a powerful strike. When combined with the Strong Jaw and the Choice Band, Fishious Rend becomes lethal. If Dracovish moves first, it becomes significantly powerful, perhaps becoming Dracovish one of the strongest one-hit K.O. in Pokémon.
For Dracovish to be effective, some planning is required. Even if you don’t have it, you still get one of the greatest Water Pokémon with excellent Defense. Although, Dracovish has glaring weaknesses due to the Dragon dual-typing, even with its arsenal of powerful attacks like Crunch and Waterfall.
15. Lapras

In the Pokémon universe, Lapras is a shy and submissive but friendly Pokémon who is more than happy to transport people over enormous quantities of water, a feature that has been repeatedly shown in the Pokémon series be they games, anime, or films.
During the Orange Islands tale, Ash acquired a baby Lapras that transported him and his buddies from island to island and adventure to adventure. Furthermore, the surfing sprite in Pokémon X and Y is a Lapras rather than a nebulous black blur, and the Mystery Dungeon games frequently contain Lapras that take the main protagonists to distant continents.
Despite not being one of the best dual type Pokémon in the game, many players like training Lapras due to their unmatched HP and strong stats. While other Water / Ice dual-type Pokémon in the realm are superior choices, Lapras is definitely worth your time. The sole disadvantage is Lapras’s speed.
16. Kingler

Kingler possesses three exceptional skills, the finest of which, as previously stated, is Hyper Cutter. Sheer Force removes additional effects of certain moves in return for a bit more strength, but the only excellent physical move Kingler learns that benefits from that are Rock Slide, which it isn’t going to utilize anyhow. Not on the competitive scene, at any rate.
Sheer Force is Kingler’s secret weapon, so obtaining one with that ability may be tough, but even without it, Kingler is a great Water-type Pokémon. Be careful though, while Kingler is amazing in PvE, it is mediocre in competitive settings. With drastically skewed stats favoring Offensive, Kingler has virtually little to give in terms of bulk.
17. Feraligatr

Feraligatr, whose name is stylized due to a ten-character constraint for names prior to Pokémon X and Y, turns out to be far more powerful than Meganium and Typhlosion. Feraligatr is vicious, as its name implies: when it attacks with its huge jaws, it shakes its head and violently cuts its prey to bits.
The remainder of its Pokédex entries aren’t very noteworthy, but they’re a little contradictory: with a basic speed of 78, Feraligatr isn’t particularly speedy, but its entries claim that its powerful rear legs let it travel rapidly on land. It mostly utilizes them to kick the ground and rush at enemies, however, Game Freak couldn’t seem to get Feraligatr and its relatives right, especially after Pokémon Gold and Silver were launched. Feraligatr, being a pure Water-type, had to rely on Special-based moves rather than Physical-based ones.
18. Palkia

Palkia is commonly mistaken as the worse Groudon. Dialga is a large, hefty steel-type sauropod, and you wouldn’t think it has much room to move around, yet Palkia appears much stiffer and more robotic than its Pokémon Diamond cousin.
Palkia is a Pokémon excellent in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. A Pokémon that literally has dominion over space should, by definition, be strong. It also has excellent typing, with Water countering Dragon’s Ice vulnerability.
Palkia has comparable stats to Dialga, with just minor differences in speed and HP, as well as reversed defense and special defense. Palkia, like Dialga, has a base special attack of 150 and has access to STAB moves like Spacial Rend, Dragon Pulse, and Surf, as well as coverage moves like Power Gem, Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, and Thunderbolt. With the exception of Focus Blast and their respective signature and non-dragon STAB attacks, those moves are nearly identical to Dialga’s.
19. Primarina

When Popplio was introduced, many gamers were unimpressed. Primarina, the Fairy/Water mermaid princess, has the best basic Special Attack and Special Defense stats of any fully-evolved starting Pokémon. This sea siren will enchant Water-type admirers for years to come. Primarina covers Fighting, Dragon, Dark, Fire, Ground, and Rock Pokémon with its two most powerful offensive techniques, the Fairy-type Moonblast and Hydro Pump. The Normal-type Hyper Voice is a good choice for tag bouts.
Primarina may do damage with its Special Attack and absorb damage with its Special Defense. And, with three vulnerabilities and seven resistances, its type combination makes it an excellent defender in a number of scenarios, particularly switch-heavy defensive fights.
20. Milotic

Milotic is one of just a few pure Water-type fully evolved Pokémon, and it’s also a tremendously flexible one. Milotic’s stats indicate that it is a Special-focused Pokémon, with a special attack of 100 and a special defense of 125. Speed and HP are enough, but Defense and Attack are clearly lacking. Milotic possesses Recover and Attract to keep itself running and take adversaries out of battles, in addition to making full use of Water’s most potent techniques. If you gain Milotic with the Marvel Scale ability, its Defense increases by 50% when struck with a status illness.
Milotic is a tough Pokémon with strong Special Defense and Defense stats. Being a one-of-a-kind. It only has two weaknesses: grass and electricity. It can also learn Recover, which increases its endurance by allowing it to repair itself on a regular basis.